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Friday, November 30, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Donagle Krumpler

Donagle Krumpler is the hero of our story.  Standing a respectable 5'4", Donagle has worn a bright red moustache since the age of ten!  Unfortunately, he was never able to grow a beard which is important for dwarfs.  
His relationship with Princess Eleanore plays a vital role in our story.  he has always felt a strong bond with her but neither knew why?  Stay tuned next month when the truth is revealed!

The Pixie

This is Bixly, the Pixie.  She lives in the Monolith Maze and likes to play mind games with all those unfortunate enough to be banished there.  Golgatham was one of her most loathed guests for he was able to turn the tables on her using the Chameleon Cloak.

Known for their fiery tempers, pixies are masters of mind-games.  She does not disappoint in this regard. She plays a very important role in the events that occur during the adventure of the Opal Stone Trilogy.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

A possible history of Bilbo's Sting via Wikipedia

Here is a possible history of Sting according to wikipedia.  It is assumed that the blade was forged in Gondolin but in The Opal Stone Trilogy: A History of the Origins of The Hobbit Sword, Sting will give a much more detailed account.

Additional information can be found here...The Hobbit Sword History
An artifact from J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy universe of Middle-earthSting was an Elvish knife or dagger made in Gondolin in the First Age.
Sting was a magical weapon used by Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit. Bilbo found it in a troll-hoard along with the swords Glamdring and Orcrist. Sting was likely forged by the elves of Gondolin in the First Age. Although it was only a dagger by the standard of Men or Elves, it made a handy short sword for a hobbit. Bilbo gave Sting to Frodo Baggins before the Fellowship of the Ring set off from Rivendell. When Frodo was betrayed at the pass of Cirith UngolSamwise Gamgee took Sting to prevent it from falling into enemy hands, but later returned it to Frodo. Following the end of the War of the Ring, Frodo gave Sting and all of his other possessions to Sam before departing for the Undying Lands.
Bilbo named the blade after fighting giant spiders in Mirkwood. The spiders themselves referred to it as his "sting."
The Hobbit Bilbo's Sting

Sting had the magical ability to detect any nearby orcs. When orcs were present, it glowed blue, as it did when the Fellowship encountered orcs in the mines of Moria. This was a common property of First Age Elf blades, particularly those forged in Gondolin.
Sting was exceptionally sharp. Bilbo managed to thrust it without effort deep into a wooden beam at Rivendell. Frodo also wounded a troll in Moria, after Boromir notched his own sword with his attempt. Sting was useful in Shelob's Lair when it cut though Shelob's webs with ease. Considering that giant spiders were a menace in the mountains south of Gondolin, it makes sense that a weapon of this type would be enchanted/designed to cut their webs. In real Europe, a bilbo blade was an exceptionally fine blade, after the city of Bilboawhere such blades were made. It is possible that Bilbo's name and his acquisition of this sharp blade was connected in the author's mind.

For more information click here...Are You a JRR Tolkien Fan?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Hobbit: A History of the Hobbit Sword that Helped Save Middle Earth

Stay up to date on all the developments of this History of how Sting (Bilbo's Sword) got its magical powers.

The Opal Stone

The "Opal Stone of Omnipotence"

In the right hands, the opal stone could give omnipotent power and therefore was desired by many power hungry creatures in Middle Earth.  

The evil witch, Ronag, as well as her twin daughters, Darthol (the Dark One) and her sister Delia.  Both play a role in the future of Middle Earth.  Yet one has her own plans. 

 Stay tuned and see how the deceiver is deceived and how the ultimate deception plays a role in the very existence of Middle Earth and the creation of the Hobbit Sword Sting.


The air was damp and cold. The drip, drip, drip of water echoed throughout the darkenedcavern.  The dwarf didn’t evennotice.  He had more important things toattend to.  His entire clan had beenwiped out by a troop of marauding Orcs and he was out for revenge. 

                “Are you sure they went this way,” came a quiet whisper, interrupting his thoughts.  It was Eleanore, a deceptively fierce fighter with an enigmatic beauty that often lulled her opponents into a sense of overconfidence…to their own peril. The dwarf loved Eleanore and had known her his entire life. 
Princess Eleanore from The Hobbit: A History of the Hobbit Sword That Saved Middle Earth
Princess Eleanore 

                “Thereare Orcs nearby,” replied Donagle, named after his father, King DonagleKrumpler III of the Krumpler clan.  

                “Seethe glow of the blade?”  He lifted hissword and an eerie blue light emanated from the blade as well as a soft hummingsound. 

                Eleanorehurriedly unsheathed her sword as well and noticed the same light coming fromthe newly smithed blade.  “I almostforgot,” she said, embarrassed.

                The twohad had the swords custom made utilizing a legendary magic that had taken themon the adventure of their lives.  She wasthinking back to that day when she and  Donagle would often be found wandering inthe caverns at the base of the Great Blue Mountain as children, when something caught hereye.

                “Overthere!” she shouted.  It was toolate.  They were trapped…

For more information check out this article...JRR Tolkien Article or Hobbit Sword History